Nope! Its not a dirty term or whatsoever. Its just a surfing spot near San Narciso, Zambales. Its called RiverMouth simply because this beach, where you can find the best "junior" ocean waves, is located near an opening of a river by the bridge leading to another town San Marcelino. Did you know that it took us 1 hour to hike or walk from Crystal Beach to get to RiverMouth. We even had to cross small rivers where the soil was just too soft because of the water, your legs would be burried. It was scorching hot and I have already used the entire contents of my Sun Block lotion bottle. I first thought that this was gonna be a bad idea coz I wasnt fond of walking or hiking for that matter in a sandy area under the strong heat of the sun. But it was actually fun. I havent hiked since my last year in highschool. We treked Epol in Davao once during highschool for a scouting camp in a village up there. The climate there was much preferrable because it was cold we didnt took a bath for 2 days. But the setting in RiverMouth was totally different. I can feel my skin above my bikini line burning even though I've put on sunblock for the nth time. When we arrived there, the waves were overwhelming. It wasnt meant for beginners so there was no way that I could try the surfboard that day. Even one of us got wiped out by the waves when he's already considered a pro. So we and the other girls just tried to amuse ourselves having our own version of "Kodak moments".
The journey back to Crystal Beach was easier except that the rivers we crossed got muddier and the soil softer, we were just anticipating how many times we'd have to get our feet burried in. Hopefully we'll be able to visit riverMouth again sometime this year. And hopefully we'll be able to get good waves. Surfs up.